
H2000h2000h.com Review: Awful Nightmare First Time Purchasing from H2000H!

I am buying replica designer Hermes handbags for decades and I have come across all kinds of websites however need to confess, this can be the new I see something such as this. I became having doubts about h2000h2000h but now I'm positive that they are not to be trusted!

Right here is the email I received last week. Unfortunately, my buddy didn't send me any photos because she was in a rush getting her story out you'd like she could so people would know about her experience.

Hi, Eva The first choice for first time investing in a replica, and yes it was obviously a true nightmare purchasing from h2000h2000h website (other name handcraftbags)! Not just they ship the bag 30 days late, nevertheless they shipped us a faulty bag!! And you also be aware of worst part. They don't permit me to exchange me the faulty bag!!! It's their fault, for shipping me the faulty bag, however they won't allow me to exchange! My dear god, this really is unbelievable. I have to deal with this trash faulty goods!

Initially he was trying to get time from me for a month. Saying bulls***t, he isn't at the job, and won't let me exchange. I kept asking him When is he coming back? But he kept dodging the questions, and don't explained the actual date of as he would be back on the job. And allow me to shipped back the faulty bag and he will exchange.

After almost 10 emails without him saying anything!! He stopped replying e-mail if you ask me. I paid $1200 for any faulty replica Hermes bag the industry trash. It lacks indentation through the entire bag. Too obvious! There's no need to be a specialist to find out straight away this can be a fake bag, acquire the best.

Whilst stopped replying mail in my experience i really got so mad!! And so i told him if he won't permit me to exchange, I noticed this ugly truth of him to your site.

So, he suddenly replied my e-mail. And again Gurus him When are you going to return to work? Again he failed to reply. I waited for 5 days. Nothing?- So I begun to discover that he cheated me. Therefore i told him I would tell everyone and reported to internet crime. And after that, just 5 minutes, he replied to me. Yeah before this 5 days no reply in any respect! I need to threaten him so he replies.

His reply: I said Let me revisit on 12th Feb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I became appalled and shocked of the way rude this guy is. Not merely he lacked a person service but to become Rude with a customer!! Even it is his entire fault for shipping the faulty bag. And stopped replying to my e-mails when asking about exchange.

I have never witnessed any organization that completely lacks responsibility such as this. Rather than ever rude to customers! Marketing ebay is unquestionably will be belly up. This guy doesn't know customer support nor responsibility. We've read reviews of tons of replica websites, and all of them even the least favorite, has some amounts of professionalism. And customer care.

We've pictures of faulty bag if you need to see. And his e-mail reply in exact words.
This really is my worst nightmare ever. I never see any seller on earth dares to get Rude to some customer. And shipping out faulty goods and does not to blame for it. As well as the useless wait of 2 months in whole, before shipping after shipping that they attempted to buy time. $1200 total waste. I was cheated and scammed using a rude guy, and worthless wait of 2 months. And a lot of following e-mails of him.

If you want high quality Hermes handbags, why not go to http://www.bagssea.com/productlist/OTHER_BAGS_1.html

